$3 Million Dollar Term Life Insurance Policy 2024

Three million dollar life insurance policy rate chart 2024

If you’re reading this article then you are likely in the market for a 3 million dollar term life insurance policy. While three million dollars may sound like a lot of money, it is right amount of life insurance coverage many Americans should have to properly protect their families or business. Below we’ll dive into the costs and details for a $3 million term life policy.

How Much Does A $3 Million Term Life Insurance Policy Cost?

Now let’s take a look at exactly how much a three million dollar term life insurance policy costs. The rates in the table below are for a 35-year old male, non-smoker in excellent health.

  • A $3,000,000 10-year term life insurance policy is priced at $559 in annual premiums, and a 20-year term costs $1,026 a year.
Insurance CarrierAnnual Premium
Symetra Life$559
AIG (American General)$560
Pacific Life$568
Lincoln Financial$629
Protective Life$644
Mutual of Omaha$722
AAA Life$675
Guardian Life$840
State Farm$850
Banner Life$911
Cincinnati Life$885
Northwestern Mutual$1,497
$3 million term life insurance policy rate chart

*Date of birth 3/10/1989, 35-year old male, excellent health, non-smoker for $3 million 10 year level term.

$3 Million Term Life Insurance Policy Rate Table Spreadsheet

Below is a pricing table spreadsheet of the 14 best companies with the lowest rates for a $3 million 20 year term life insurance policy. Pacific Life and Symetra Life will not require a medical exam for the $3 million in coverage (for those that qualify). Rates below from top companies include: Pacific Life, Corebridge Financial, Symetra Life, Protective Life, Transamerica, Nationwide Life, Lincoln National, SBLI, MassMutual, Cincinnati Life, Prudential, Mutual of Omaha, John Hancock and Columbus Life.

$3 million term life insurance rates by company and full 20 year term breakdown spreadsheet 2024
$3 million term life insurance rates by company and full 20 year term breakdown spreadsheet 2024 (continued)
$3 million term life insurance rates by company and full 20 year term breakdown spreadsheet 2024 (continued)

*Rates are for a 40-year old male for a $3 million 20-year level term policy at the top health class.

Pro Tip: Only choose a life insurance company that has received an A (Excellent) or A+ (Superior) financial rating from A.M. Best.

Underwriting A 3 Million Term Life Insurance Policy

The underwriting for a 3 million dollar term life policy is similar to the underwriting for any other life insurance policy. It requires a no-cost paramed that consists of: height, weight, blood pressure and a small blood and urine sample. Some companies may require an EKG or financial questionnaire depending on your age.

Each life insurance company has their own underwriting guidelines so it is best to speak with your agent.

Have you had a physical with labs in the last 12 months? You may qualify for a no medical exam policy up to $3 million for ages 50-70 years old!

Laddering/Layering Your Coverage

A popular strategy to reduce the cost of life insurance is to “ladder” or “layer” your coverage. This simply works by getting two policies for two different terms to meet your needs.

For example, a 45-year old male with a good income, has two children ages 12 and 13, a wife and a good size mortgage. After a needs analysis, he needs $3 million in coverage to adequately protect his family.

To ladder his coverage which will save him money on monthly premiums and provide more flexibility (can cancel one of the policies at anytime if doesn’t need the $3 million in coverage), he gets a $1 million policy for a 10-year term to protect his children until they are out of college for $46 month and a $2 million 20-year term to protect his income until retirement age and his mortgage until it’s paid off, primarily to protect his wife for $169 month. This way he has $3 million of life insurance coverage for the next 10 years when he needs it most then it drops to $2 million for the last 10 years until he retires, the mortgage is paid off and his kids are in their 30’s. By laddering or layering his policies he saves him over $8k over the course of the policy while providing proper protection he needs.

Quoting A 3 Million Life Insurance Policy

Receiving instant quote comparisons for a $3 million term life insurance policy is very quick and easy. The quote engine on our site lists the top life insurance companies and their rates in order from lowest to highest. The quote engine goes up to ten million dollars in coverage, so feel free to compare several different coverage amounts and policy lengths.

If you need instant life insurance quotes for $3,000,000 of term life insurance or permanent life insurance, it is one click away.

$3 Million Life Insurance Policy FAQs

Do I need a medical exam for a $3 million term life insurance policy?

There are several top life insurance companies that offer up to $3 million in term life insurance without a medical exam. The rates for the no-exam application are the exact same as with the exam and with the same policy benefits such as a conversion option and accelerated death benefit rider. Two life insurance companies with the lowest rates in America for a $3 million no-exam policy are Symetra Life and Pacific Life.

How much do I need to make to qualify for a $3 million term life insurance policy?

To qualify for a $3,000,000 term life policy you will need to make between 5x to 40x your annual income. The younger you are the greater your income can be used to qualify. For example, a 30-year old can go up to 40x their annual income in total individual life insurance. This means if they make $75k a year they can qualify for a $3 million policy.

How long can I have a $3 million term life insurance policy?

Depending on your age, you can choose to lock in a $3 million term life insurance policy amount and premium for 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40 years.

How is a $3 million term life insurance policy paid out to my beneficiaries?

Your beneficiaries have the option to take a lump sum payment of the $3 million or take monthly installment payments paid out over a set period of time, typically with interest paid on the principal amount.

Are there any exclusions on a $3 million term life policy?

The two exclusions for a $3 million life insurance policy include a 2 year suicide clause and a two year contestability clause if there was misrepresentation (were dishonest) on the application and death occurs in the first two years.

Keep Reading

Rates updated 3/15/2024

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