Best 30 Year Term Life Insurance Rates In Your Forties (40s)

Best 30 Year Term Life Insurance Rates In Your Forties (40's)

Once you reach your forties, you’ll likely need life insurance to protect your income for your family. The good news is that life insurance is still very affordable at this age.

Below I will show you the best life insurance rates for someone in their forties (40’s) looking for a 30 year term policy.

Why choose a 30 year term policy?

The 30 year term life insurance policy is one of the most common policies for someone in their forties since it locks in the rate for the next thirty years. This protects: the children until they are adults and out of school, covers the mortgage until it’s paid off and your income to retirement age.

Also, according to the Social Security Administration (SSA) and their actuarial life table, the life expectancy for males is 76 years old and 81 years old for females.

Example term life insurance rates in your forties (40-49)

Average cost per month

30 year term- Males

Age$250,000 $500,000$1,000,000$2,000,000
40 Year Old Male$28.00$49.23$91.46$173.87
41 Year Old Male$30.07$53.07$98.99$191.78
42 Year Old Male $32.58$57.73$108.11$210.03
43 Year Old Male$35.69$63.50$119.38$223.88
44 Year Old Male$38.82$69.52$131.19$246.58
45 Year Old Male$42.21$76.64$145.15$272.07
46 Year Old Male $46.09$83.38$158.32$298.65
47 Year Old Male $50.29$91.56$174.30$329.34
48 Year Old Male $55.82$101.67$194.07$367.33
49 Year Old Male $61.15$112.26$214.76$407.05
Male life insurance rates for ages 40-49 for a 30 year term

Best monthly rates, D.O.B. September 1st. Rates for top health class.

30 year term- Females

Age $250,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000
40 Year Old Female$22.70$39.13$71.96$132.73
41 Year Old Female $24.23$41.95$77.85$144.12
42 Year Old Female $26.04$45.38$84.72$157.31
43 Year Old Female $28.19$49.63$93.21$173.68
44 Year Old Female $30.42$54.07$102.11$190.77
45 Year Old Female $33.12$59.32$112.61$207.98
46 Year Old Female $35.80$64.04$121.77$228.08
47 Year Old Female $38.68$69.69$132.89$249.87
48 Year Old Female $43.61$77.50$147.60$275.90
49 Year Old Female $47.57$85.20$157.36$300.12
Female life insurance rates for ages 40-49 for a 30 year term

Best monthly rates, D.O.B. 9/1. Rates for top health class.

How much life insurance does someone in their 40s need?

The general rule of thumb many financial advisors follow is to carry at least 7x to 10x your annual income in life insurance. This is because it will replace your gross annual income for the next seven to ten years. Some financial advisors such as Suze Orman recommend 20x your annual income in life insurance coverage.

For a more detailed needs analysis, you can use our life insurance needs calculator.

Do I need a medical exam?

Applying for life insurance in your forties (40s) is optimal as you are still considered younger by the insurance companies. Therefore, many life insurance companies will offer a no medical exam or accelerated underwriting option.


The underwriting for a life insurance policy in your 40s is going to depend on the amount of coverage you are applying for as well as:

  • Health
  • Height and weight
  • Tobacco use
  • Family history
  • Driving record
  • Any dangerous hobbies

How to secure the best life insurance policy in your forties (40s)

The best way to secure the lowest rates on a 30 year term life insurance policy in your forties 40s is to compare rates from multiple life insurance companies. Each life insurance company has their own prices as well as unique underwriting guidelines.

Some life insurance companies have much more favorable underwriting guidelines for: height and weight, health history, family history, tobacco use, avocations, travel, etc. You can potentially save thousands of dollars or more by just comparing rates from at least half a dozen to a dozen of the top life insurance companies before you apply.

Resource Center (FAQ)

What is a 30 year term life insurance policy?

A 30 year term life insurance policy simply means the premiums and death benefit are both fixed for 30 years and will not change regardless of any changes in age or health.

How much is term life insurance for a 40 year old?

The cost of a 30 year term life insurance policy for a 40 year old male is $17 month for $500k 10 year term and $15 month for a 40 year female, both in excellent health.

Do I need a medical exam for a 30 year term if I’m in my 40’s?

No, there are several top life insurance companies that offer no-exam 30 year term polices up to age 49. Several companies will offer coverage up to $3 million.

Is a 30 year term life insurance policy the longest available?

For most companies, a 30 year term is the longest term available. However, there are several life insurance companies that offer a 35 and 40 year term in your 40’s.

Where can I find a 30 year term life insurance calculator?

You can find a 30 year term life insurance calculator here. It will allow you to run 30 year fixed term rate quotes from the nation’s top insurers.

Where can I find 30 year term life insurance quotes for 40-49 year olds?

If you’re in your 40’s you can see 30 year term life insurance quotes here.

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