Preferred Life Insurance Ratings Explained

Preferred Life Insurance Rate (Health) Class 2024

What Is Preferred Life Insurance?

The term “Preferred life insurance” refers to the second best life insurance health rating classification offered by life insurance insurance companies in the United States. The Preferred life insurance health rating classification is for applicants that are in very good health.

In addition to being in very good health, the Preferred life insurance rate (health) class is reserved for those that also meet the guidelines for health and non-health underwriting factors such as: height and weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, family history, tobacco usage and driving record.

Life Insurance Rate (Health) Classes Explained

Life insurance companies typically have between 12 to 16 rate classes applicants can qualify for depending on many factors such health history as well as some non-health factors. While Preferred Plus is the number one health class which is reserved for those with an: excellent health history, build, family history, etc., Preferred is the second best life insurance health class which means the applicant may not be in perfect health but is very healthy and are a low risk to the insurance company.

Life Insurance Rate Classes In Order

Life insurance rating (health) classes are determined by many factors. While medical history is the primary factor, there are also many other aspects such as build (BMI), family history, and driving record for the past five years that determine which life insurance rating class you will qualify for with a particular company.

Below are the life insurance rate classes in order:

  • Preferred Plus (Exceptional)
  • Preferred (Very good)
  • Standard Plus (Above average)
  • Standard (Average)
  • Substandard (Below average) Tables 1-12

Preferred Life Insurance Requirements

Below we’ll show the most favorable underwriting requirements in the country to qualify for a Preferred life insurance rate class. These guidelines are from several of the largest life insurance companies in the country.

Height & Weight Requirements for the Preferred Life Insurance Rate Class

The table below shows the maximum weight with by height to qualify for a Preferred rate class.

Ages 18 to 64

5’00”168 lbs
5’2”180 lbs
5’4”192 lbs
5’6”204 lbs
5’8”216 lbs
5’10”229 lbs
6’0”242 lbs
6’2”256 lbs
6’4”271 lbs
Preferred rating life insurance height & weight chart for ages 18-64 for male and female

Ages 65 and Over

5’00”179 lbs
5’2”191 lbs
5’4”204 lbs
5’6”216 lbs
5’8”230 lbs
5’10”243 lbs
6’0”258 lbs
6’2”272 lbs
6’4”287 lbs
Preferred rating life insurance height & weight chart for ages 65 and over for male and female

*This guidelines are from one oldest and the largest life insurance companies in the country that has one of the most favorable build charts.

Blood Pressure Requirements for the Preferred Life Insurance Rate Class

The table below shows the maximum blood pressure readings to qualify for a Preferred life insurance rate class.

AgesBlood Pressure Readings
50 and over145/90
Preferred rating health class blood pressure readings

*With or without blood pressure medication, readings must be controlled. Each company has their own underwriting guidelines, but these readings are from a top U.S. life insurer.

Cholesterol Requirements for the Preferred Life Insurance Rate Class

The table below shows the maximum cholesterol readings to qualify for a Preferred life insurance rate class (second best).

Total CholesterolHDL Ratio
Preferred rating life insurance health class blood pressure readings

*These readings are probably the most favorable in the country to qualify for Preferred rate class, specially with a 6.0 HDL ratio. These guidelines are from a top U.S. life insurance, A+ rated.

Family History Requirements for the Preferred Life Insurance Rate Class

The table below shows the most favorable family history guidelines to qualify for a Preferred life insurance rate class.

Family History
No cardiovascular (heart) death of more than one parent before 60
Preferred rating life insurance health class family history

*The guidelines above for family history are from a top U.S. life insurance, A+ rated.

Tobacco Life Insurance Requirements for the Preferred Life Insurance Rate Class

The table below shows the most favorable life insurance guidelines to qualify for a Preferred life insurance rate class after quitting smoking.

No tobacco or nicotine-based products in the last 24 months (two years). One cigar a month is allowed with negative cotinine sample.
Preferred rating life insurance health class for tobacco (nicotine)

*The guidelines above for tobacco (nicotine) are from a top U.S. life insurance company, A+ rated.

Sleep Apnea Life Insurance Requirements Requirements for the Preferred Life Insurance Rate Class

The table below shows the most favorable sleep apnea guidelines to qualify for a Preferred life insurance rate class.

Sleep Apnea
Mild sleep apnea, compliant with CPAP machine or mouth guard treatment
Preferred rating life insurance health class for sleep apnea

*The guidelines above for sleep apnea are from a top U.S. life insurance company.

Sample Preferred Life Insurance Rates

The table below show the sample rates for a Preferred life insurance rate class for a $500,000 10 year term policy.

20$500k$16 month
25$500k$16 month
30$500k$16 month
35$500k$17 month
40$500k$21 month
45$500k$34 month
50$500k$50 month
55$500k$79 month
60$500k$127 month
65$500k$229 month
70$500k$400 month
Preferred rating life insurance sample premium rates

*D.O.B. 4/1. Preferred rate class sample rates for a $500k 10 year level term from several of the nation’s top carriers.

Wrap Up

A Preferred life insurance rating refers to the second best health class offered by life insurance companies. The Preferred life insurance rate class is the next one below the Preferred Plus rate class (top life insurance rate class) and is reserved for those that are in very good health.

In addition to being in very good health, the applicant must also meet other health and non-health Preferred rating underwriting factors such as height and weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, family history to name a few.

Since each life insurance company has their own underwriting guidelines to qualify for the Preferred rate class, it’s important to shop around and compare rates from several top life insurance companies to ensure you are receiving the best rates and health class based on your specific underwriting profile.


Is the Preferred life insurance health class the best?

No, a Preferred life insurance rate class is the second best, Preferred Plus is the highest.

Do I need a medical exam to qualify for the Preferred life insurance rate class?

There are several top life insurance companies that will not require a medical exam to qualify for the Preferred rate class if you meet certain requirements, up to $3 million 30 year term.

Can I get a preferred life insurance rate class with diabetes?

No, Standard Plus, Standard or Table rates are typically the best health classes available (depending on the insurer) for those with a history of diabetes or an elevated A1c reading above 6.0.

Can I qualify for a Preferred life insurance rate class with a history of heart disease?

No, an applicant with a history of heart disease, heart attack, bypass or stents will not qualify for a Preferred life insurance health class.

Keep Reading:

Instant Preferred Life Insurance Rate Quotes from Top Life Insurance Companies: Pacific Life, Banner Life, Protective Life, Prudential, Lincoln National, Mutual of Omaha, Transamerica, SBLI, Symetra Life +

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